Social4Good Helps Bring Home Babies Safely and Keep Them Healthy
By Sharon Grace – S4G
Photos by Ed Shanahan

Providing essential supplies for at-risk babies was Social4Good’s (S4G) January project in support of Jennifer Bush Lawson Foundation’s (JBLF) Nursery Project.
Jennifer Bush-Lawson Foundation’s Nursery Project was first launched in the midst of the global pandemic to support economically disadvantaged families as they brought at-risk babies home under unprecedented circumstances. The project provides critical supplies which support safe sleep and encourages the breast-feeding relationship.
In conjunction with the Virginia Hospital Center Outpatient Clinic and through partnership with supporters like S4G, local Arlington moms’ groups, and Aetna Better Health Virginia, JBLF has already served more than 100 families post-delivery with a variety of nursery supplies.
JBLF’s Nursery Project’s impact number rose with S4G’s efforts. The group raised over $4,500 which included $2,700 for the purchase of car seats and pack-n-plays, and $1,800 in in-kind donations for the creation of breastfeeding kits. New car seats mean at-risk newborns leave the hospital and travel safely during their first two years of life. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that all infants should ride in a rear-facing car seats from the moment they leave the hospital until they’re at least two years old. Pack-n-plays are a cost-efficient way to help prevent sudden unexpected infant death (SUID), the leading cause of death for babies one month old until one year old in Virginia and nationwide.
In addition, 30 S4G volunteers created 27 breastfeeding kits and wrote notes of encouragement at the January social held at a member’s house. The kits and notes will help support a healthy breastfeeding relationship.
“Our clients, many of whom are working moms, simply don’t have access to outlets needed for electric breast pumps. The manual pumps S4G has provided are an essential part of promoting a successful breastfeeding journey for these moms and their babies,” said Kelly Garrity, Executive Director of JBLF.
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization recommend exclusive breastfeeding for about the first 6 months with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods for up to 2 years of age or older. Unfortunately, gaps in resources and support result in wide disparities for breastfeeding moms based on race, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ability. JBLF’s programs are helping to close this gap in Arlington County and other local communities.
The S4G members at the January gathering learned more about the important work of JBLF from Ms. Garrity. JBLF was formed out of a desire to support the most vulnerable in NOVA communities. Their vision is to provide economically vulnerable at-risk women with access to critical medical support and supplies during pregnancy and after delivery. S4G is proud to contribute to making that vision a reality.

S4G is an all-volunteer, grassroots organization that brings together engaged women who want to meet new people and support the organizations that make our community strong. Each month, this column will highlight S4G’s monthly project to raise awareness on critical needs in our community and local nonprofits making a difference.
To learn more about S4G or to donate to support local nonprofits, visit