Accountability, Best Practices, and Consistency
By JANINE FRANK CEO & Co-Founder of 2 Health Nuts

Not only is it wild to think we are halfway through 2024, but how are we in JULY already? I tend to feel this is that time in the summer when we start “settling in.” You know the feeling—that point on vacation when you have finally let down and feel like you can really start to relax and unwind. Speaking of which, summer tends to be the time of year where we get a little more “lax” with our health and wellness efforts. We spend a few months leading up to Memorial Day Weekend getting “shorts and bathing suit ready,” only to feel content with sitting in a lounge chair, sipping on frozen cocktails, and reminding ourselves we will “get back into it” come the fall. I still wonder why this is, and, honestly, I sometimes need to check myself too.
And then I remember—this time of year does give us permission to pivot and adapt. It’s a mindset shift we need to constantly be in tune with. Yes, the daylight hours are longer; there are more social gatherings, plentiful barbecues, pool parties, beach trips, etc. But just because we may not be following our same “routines” does not mean we cannot stay on course with our health & wellness goals. And, yes, we can still have a yummy frozen cocktail and sit in a lounge chair too!
The ABC’s of Summer – Accountability, Best Practices, and Consistency
I am by no means reinventing the wheel; in fact, most of the articles I have previously written and published mimic exactly what I am sharing with you today. The reason for this? It’s not meant to be complicated, I promise! It’s a constant practice of introspection, and sometimes we need to hear it (or read it) a few times before we get that “ah HA” moment. And trust me when I say it did not happen for me overnight!
This is about creating a lifestyle that you are never “on” or “off.” It’s flexible and adaptable, yet remains routine and pretty predictable. When you have it “figured out,” you will never feel like you are starting from scratch post-Summer, post-Holiday, post-Vacation, etc.
And I will bet you 1 free personal training session that your enjoyment factor will sky rocket tremendously!
Just like we are responsible for our own happiness, we are also responsible for our own actions too. When it comes to your health & wellness goals, accountability plays a huge role! When navigating a new routine or environment, try some of these strategies to keep you on the hook:
- Prioritize YOU; as the saying goes, take care of yourself before you can take care of others. Sometimes this is easier said than done – I get it. Whether it is daily or weekly goals, what do you need to do to make you feel at your absolute best?
- Be FLEXIBLE; so much of this lifestyle equation is about being able to shift gears as needed. Are you feeling the effects of yesterday’s workout and not feeling motivated to get out and go for your planned run? Instead of pushing through or skipping altogether, why not find an alternative? Maybe go for a leisurely walk on the beach with your coffee, or do some light stretching or yoga poolside.
- REWARD Yourself; sure, you can “reward” yourself with a fun treat or cocktail when you hit one of your goals, but this starts the mindset of labeling food & drink as being “good and bad.” Plus, it has the effect of potentially undoing the good you did. Instead, maybe you reward yourself with a new workout outfit or maybe even a spa service.
- Find Your SUPPORT SYSTEM; Have a family member or friend who enjoys the same activities you do? Why not invite them to join you on your next bike ride, fitness class, or tennis lesson? While there are days where you might need more “you” time, there are certainly going to be days where extra motivation is needed. It will also change up your routine and decrease the potential for boredom too!
Best Practices
Here are some easy ways to stay in your power when you feel out of your routine or are trying to navigate a new one!
- I know, I know—the last thing we want to worry about prior to going away is making or buying food to take with us. I have found this strategy to be extremely helpful, though, especially if traveling with a group of family and/or friends. If heading to your destination by car, I like to bring items such as raw nuts, homemade hummus, sliced veggies or fruit I may still have in the fridge, my favorite protein bars, eggs, leftover proteins such as sliced chicken, homemade granola, good-quality cream for my coffee, cheese, etc. This way, if we are unable to get to the store right away or just trying to go with the flow, I know I have foods that I like and will keep me satisfied. If traveling by plane, look for foods in the airport that mirror what you eat at home. Don’t worry about every little ingredient; do the best you can and make the best choice(s) possible. If you have some extra room in your carry-on, you can always bring some of your favorite snack items.
- While nothing is off limits, emphasize your water intake (extra if working out outside or sitting out in the sun), consume a good amount of lean protein, and focus on healthy fats + vegetables. These will help keep you feeling satiated and not polishing off the bag of Doritos that is sitting in your beach bag. Instead, you can enjoy eating a handful, or whatever your favorite fun foods may be, and move on for the day without the guilt.
- Don’t go into a situation HUNGRY! A lot of times we have the mentality that we want to save our calories if we are going out to dinner or heading to a party or event. This only sets us up for a downward spiral when faced with a buffet full of yummy foods. As I like to say, “continue with your regularly scheduled program.” I guarantee you will enjoy the experience a whole lot more! Maybe I should bet another personal training session…:)
- Let’s revisit those frozen cocktails I have been talking about. While these are fun, remember they are chock full of sugar. If this is something you enjoy, try making one from scratch. Additionally, monitor how you feel. For some people, the more sugar consumed, the more sugar they want. For others, the more sugar consumed, the more their willpower decreases, and the more likely overindulging in those fun foods will occur. Oh, and if you are consuming alcoholic beverages, make sure you are sipping on water as well!
The dictionary defines “consistency” as a “harmony of conduct or practice.” We also need to be mindful that, while consistency is a big piece to this puzzle, we need to allow for freedom and flexibility too. Too much rigidity will actually cause the opposite to happen. Routines do not have to look the same 365 days per year. In fact, I highly recommend you adopt MANY different routines throughout the next 12 months!
Ask yourself What are those easy and effortless “wins” you can do every single day that will make a positive impact on your health and wellness goals? Remember, this is not about being perfect; it’s about being consistent! Here is an example: the summer months are spent at your family’s beach house, and you do not have access to a gym. Instead of saying, “I guess I will just pick back up in September,” what are other ways you can be active?
- If you are used to utilizing the treadmill, elliptical, or bike at the gym, simulate the same outside. Go for a run, walk, or bike ride outdoors in the fresh air. Walking and running on the beach is awesome too; just be mindful you are closer to the water where the sand is more compact (especially for running). Another perk – you will be using different muscle groups. Hello calves!
- Swimming is a wonderful, low-impact cardiovascular option!
- Body-weight strength workouts are extremely functional and great for maintaining lean muscle mass. Even as little as 10 minutes a day will do wonders, physically and mentally. Have access to some equipment? All you need is a pair of dumbbells for a fantastic workout (check online for some free videos to watch).
- Grab your tennis or pickleball rackets for some fun on the courts (or even on the beach). Have not tried yet? What a fun sport to learn over these next few weeks!
- Building a sand castle with your kids, or just playing with them in the pool or ocean, will have your heart pumping! Simply prioritize movement—pretty simple!
Hope you have found some of these tips and tricks to be helpful! As always, if you have any to share, please reach out and let me know. Here’s to an amazing rest of your summer filled with family, friends, and making memories! Cheers!
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